Exercises and Meditation – Physical CD


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Exercises and Meditation – Physical CD

Since 1986, Carol has taught over a thousand workshops and is known in the industry as the best teacher in the field of animal communication.  In this CD, you’ll be introduced to many of the exercises and meditations that Carol has taught in her workshops over the years.

  • The Relaxation and Meditation Exercise enables you to find the love and compassion within your heart, which is where animal communication begins.
  • The Sending and Receiving Exercise gives you the tool to focus on the animal you want to connect with.
  • The Partnered Exercise assists you in communicating telepathically with a person, which gives you confidence when connecting with an animal.
  • The incredible Animal Spirit Meditation brings you back together with your animals who have passed on, to reaffirm your bond.
  • As a bonus, the Pink Light Meditation is shared to help you remain connected at a heart level.
